About Mathilde Moyell

Mathilde is a passionate health and sustainability junkie and created orgayana with the purpose of guiding people to understand how we can help our planet by putting ourselves first. Mathilde is certified in Nutrition and Ayurveda as well as a Certified Green School Green Educator, ICI Neuro Coach, and Aligned Yoga Teacher. She does individual coaching sessions and consultations in all orgayana’s pillars: mind, eat, active, skin, home, and planet.

At orgayana we have always used the six pillars: mind, eat, active, skin, home, and planet, and in the 1-1 coaching and consulting we are now using it as the elements for you to create your own green lifestyle wheel! You can choose just to work with the mental and physical aspects of your life (mind, eat & active) or take the full spin on the wheel – all the way to saving our mama planet! (wear, home & planet). No matter what you choose, our advice is to start with the mind. Imagine a pile of pebbles or the foundation to a house – we can’t build until the base pebble or foundation of the house is solid. Think of your mind as this base – this foundation needs to be robust and balanced for you to take other steps in nutrition, exercise, or sustainable choices. 

With Green Lifestyle for Beginners, we work “inside out”: by working with the mind, the organs, the muscles, the skin, and by looking at our surroundings.  We do this by coaching and training our mind, looking at our diet, personalizing our movement, trying out what’s better for the skin, as well as using greener steps in our home, surroundings, and on our planet in general.

All the pillars on the wheel – or slices if you wish – are in constant interaction. If you make changes to your physical health, it will influence your mental health – if you change your skincare routine – it can positively impact the health of our planet, etc. etc.

Again, it’s up to you where you see your needs – you might be a nutrition expert and would like to know more about sustainable steps – or you might want to learn how to detoxify your home, so you can get more peace in your mind. Everything is possible – and with Mathilde as your neuro coach and mind trainer, we can easily work out what works best for you – together.

  • In the coaching sessions, you have the answers and Mathilde ask the questions. Often this is the best way for you to truly reach your personal goal. Being a certified ICI Neuro Coach, Mathilde will implement the relevant tools into the session, for you to quickly move forward and to take the necessary steps.
  • The consulting sessions – Mathilde will guide you on your health and sustainability journey. With certifications in mind training, nutrition, yoga, skincare, detoxing/decluttering, sustainability, and Ayurveda, she will provide you with the tools and recipes to move forward in your relevant areas.


healthy & sustainable
– your green lifestyle –

Who is Mathilde

ICI Certified Coach
w. Mitzi Svenstrup, Empowermind, Denmark

Ayurvedic Health and Lifestyle Consultant
w. Maria Juhl, Nordic Ayurveda, Denmark

Certified Neurocoach and Mind Trainer

w. Jørgen Svenstrup, Empowermind, Denmark

Certified in Anti-inflammatory & Intelligent Food

w. Louise Bruun, Louise Bruun’s Academy, Denmark

Certified Yoga Teacher Trainer (200 hr)

w. Briohny Smyth, Aligned Yoga, USA

Student in Skincare Herbalism Mentorship
w. Militza Maury, Little Green Dot Herb House, USA

Low Tox Coach Student

w. Alexx Stuart, Low Tox Method, Australia

Green Educator

w. Green Educator Course Team, Green School, Bali Indonesia

And also….:

Mini-MBA (IME, Singapore)
MA in Journalism & English (Roskilde University, Denmark)
BA (Hons) Communication & Media and Cultural Studies (Middlesex University, UK)

Shorter courses: Reiki 1 Healing w. Hanne Fritzbøger, Pranayama Breathing w. Yoga Mudra, Permaculture Course w. Kul Kul Farm as well as fundamentals in Ayurveda, Anti-inflammatory Foods, Low Tox lifestyle, and Natural Skincare.

Founder of orgayana.com – your guide to a green lifestyle. Keynote speaker on how to live a sustainable lifestyle, ‘how to declutter your home’, and ‘saving the plastic ocean’ (kids). Speaker and moderator on panels with topics such as ‘what is natural skincare´, ‘natural ways to kids’ health’, ‘stress and anxiety in children, and ‘how to restore hormonal imbalance’. Have hosted numerous workshops for kids – bootcamp, yoga, mindfulness, healthy cooking, and nature crafts.

What is orgayana

orgayana is a community for you and your friends.

a digital platform with useful local tips and guidance directed to you, who are looking for inspiration and information on health and sustainable living, here and now.

orgayana delivers articles, videos, and a podcast on all aspects of green living, such as food, beauty, health, sport, family, travel, wear, mind, and home. our contributors are all specialized in their fields and supply hands-on content and tips you can use in your everyday life.

orgayana is for the conscious and curious consumers and inspire and inform through objective, usable and mindful information on the topic of green living, without pointing fingers to what is right and wrong.

orgayana brings together all the great knowledge on green lifestyle and the people who’d love to know and the people who are in the know. We want to do this in a shared community called orgayana.

Why orgayana?

I grew up in Denmark. In a house with a vegetable garden, fruit trees, compost, and recycling bins. In the shops, you had to pay for your bag, so you brought your own, and when you’d finished your bottles and cans, you brought them back and received money in return. Even in the cheapest of Danish supermarkets, up to 50% of the products are organic and affordable.

Moving to Singapore made me wonder: what could I and Singaporeans do, to live a more sustainable and healthy life? I was looking for one place to be informed, inspired, and guided through this jungle. This is how orgayana was born.

Read, listen, view and enjoy your guide to a green lifestyle!

Mathilde Moyell 

Meet our contributors

no orgayana without our amazing contributors!
read about them here and also find out how you can contribute to orgayana 

Meet us