For many of us, 2021 is a chance of a new beginning and a time to focus with a clear mind. With the lockdown, we’d also love to feel more energized, as well as happy and relaxed with our surroundings! HELP?
Yes, not an easy tasks at this time, but by just choosing one, you can make a difference and we’re here to help by offering great and easy recipes + health info that will that boost energy, mind, focus, mood and help you relax.
One power shot a day this week – think of it like opening an advent calendar in January – just the goal is a greater, healthier you. Enjoy!

A matcha shot will help you stay focused, clear in your mind as well as calm and settled.
Matcha is a rich source of the mineral L-theanine, a relaxing and nondietary amino acid. L-theanine has been shown to boost alpha brain wave power too, which helps you feel settled and more comfortable with your self, even during stressful situations. The mineral also has profound effects on learning and memory and matcha’s mix of caffeine and L-theanine induce a feeling of both alert and calm. Matcha contains up to five times as much L-theanine as regular green tea due to its growing techniques where the plants are shaded from sunlight.
Matcha’s rich green colour is the result of high chlorophyll levels. The fact that matcha is carefully shade-grown makes it significantly richer in chlorophyll when compared to other teas. Chlorophyll doesnt just make matcha a vibrant colour, it is also an effective detoxifier that can aid in the elimination of unwanted toxins, chemicals and heavy metals from the body.
High-quality matcha should be a vibrant green colour. It is very common to find added sugar or powdered milk in many matcha powders, bu matcha powder should only contain ONE ingredient: MATCHA – and the genuie matcha is only available from Japan. Choose an organic and non-GMO type and be aware that the purity and quality of a high-quality matcha do come with a cost. High-quality matcha powder is definitely more expensive compared to other teas, however, a low price tag can actually be a sign of poor quality matcha and won’t give you above benefits.
Get ready to focus with your matcha coconut shot!