For many of us, 2021 is a chance of a new beginning and a time to focus with a clear mind. With the lockdown, we’d also love to feel more energized, as well as happy and relaxed with our surroundings! HELP?
Yes, not an easy tasks at this time, but by just choosing one, you can make a difference and we’re here to help by offering great and easy recipes + health info that will that boost energy, mind, focus, mood and help you relax.
One power shot a day this week – think of it like opening an advent calendar in January – just the goal is a greater, healthier you. Enjoy!

If you are feeling like your brain needs a power boost, turmeric is your memorys best friend and with lots of added benefits! Turmeric has been a key ingredient in the Asian cuisine for a very long time, but has now also become the hype in the Western world.
It is one of the most commonly prescribed plants in traditional Indian and Chinese medicine. When dried and powdered it provides a highly valued cooking spice, when used in its pure form. When mixed into many of the common curry powders, it rarely does much more than add zig to food, because of the quality and added ingredients, such as bright yellow coloring.
Tumeric contains the active ingredient curcimin, which has a variety of powerful anti-inflammatory actions, it can help to reduce inflammation in your body and ease symptoms of osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.
Also, people in India who eat tumeric in their daily curries, have among the worlds lowest rates of Alzheimers disease. The reason is, that extracts of tumeric have been found to contain a number of natural agents that block the formation of beta-amyloid, the substance responsible for the plaques that slowly obstruct brain function in Alzheimers disease. Reseach also suggest that tumeric extract appears to decrease beta-amyloid and other markers of Alzheimers disease, so there is no doubt that you’ll help the old memory along, by using the old classic spice.
Check out our 4 other powershots for Energy, Focus, Mood and Relaxation HERE
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